Print and string formatting
One of the most tried and true debugging tools is
Make liberal use of print
to output text from your programs that
would be useful for troubleshooting and monitoring progress.
Simple use case
You can pass any value to print
that can be represented as a string
Most types of data in Python can be represented as a string.
print('Hello, World!')
print([ 1, 2, 3 ])
String formatting
Format strings allow you to create more complex strings containing plain text and existing variables.
Read the documentation
String formatting is a whole mini-language within the Python language itself. I suggest referring to the official documentation for more.
Basic example
You define a format string like a any other string, except you must prefix the
string with a f
. Within the format string, you can use curly braces {}
to reference a variable
a = 'World'
print(f'Hello, {a}!')
In this example, Python will substitute the placeholder {a}
with the value
from the variable a
which will result in the string Hello, World!
Real world example
Format strings are sometimes used to dynamically build shell commands. For example
files = [
['subject_a.dcm', 'subject_a.nii.gz'],
['subject_b.dcm', 'subject_b.nii.gz'],
['subject_c.dcm', 'subject_c.nii.gz']
for infile, outfile in files:
command = f'mri_convert {infile} {outfile}'
This will print the following shell commands
mri_convert subject_a.dcm subject_a.nii.gz
mri_convert subject_b.dcm subject_b.nii.gz
mri_convert subject_c.dcm subject_c.nii.gz
Rounding floats
It's common for a developer to specify how a float
value should be displayed
within a formatted string. To do this, you can add a format specifier to your
placeholder using {variable:specifier}
For example, if you want your format string to round the variable pi
to 4
decimal places, you would append 0.4f
to pi
pi = 3.1415926
print(f'π rounded to 4 decimal places is {pi:0.4f}')
For more information on format specifiers, refer to the official documentation here.